蔡幸穎個展 「日常凝視」
▍展期 | 2020. 04. 11 (六) ~ 2020. 05. 09 (六)
▍開幕茶會 | 2020. 04. 11 (六) 14:30
▍地點 | 序藝術 (高雄市苓雅區青年二路198號2樓)
▍開放時間 | 星期一至六, 10:30 - 18:00
英國作家約翰伯格(John Berger)在《觀看的方式》中提到:「我們注視的從來不只是事物本身;我們注視的永遠是事物與我們之間的關係。」女性成了視覺景觀(sight),看與被看其實是一種性別的權力關係。藝術中的女體多半承載著男性作家及觀眾的目光,透過「描繪」、「觀看」女性的神情姿態以獲取心靈上的滿足,然而當自己凝視著畫面中與自己相同性別之人之時,畫中之人仿佛也像自己的投射,感受到的只是眾人索求的眼光,以女體建構的世界反映的只是對於現實的性別焦慮。
2020 「日常凝視」,序藝術,高雄
2019 高雄漾藝術博覽會,駁二藝術特區,高雄
2019 「身體異化」,二空間,臺北
2019 臺中藝術博覽會,日月千禧酒店,臺中
2019 藝術新聲,大墩文化中心,臺中
2018 「浸淫-耽美的凝視」蔡幸穎創作個展,私藝術空間,臺北
2018 墨墨啟動- 十九校校際水墨觀摩展,德群畫廊,臺北
2015 靈魂迷狂,屯區藝術中心,臺中
2015 第四屆兩岸藝術新天地論壇“家園•兩岸青年藝術展”,壹號藝術館,上海,中國
2014 《時光》聯展,長榮藝廊,臺南
2019 佳作,第十八屆彩墨新人賞,臺中
2015 優選,第四屆兩岸藝術新天地論壇,上海,中國
2015 入選,第十四屆彩墨新人賞,臺中
2015 優選,長榮大學書畫藝術系第三屆美展,臺南
‘Daily in Gaze’ Tsai Hsing -Ying Solo Exhibition
▍Duration | 2020. 04. 11 (Sat.) ~ 2020. 05. 09 (Sat.)
▍Opening Reception | 2020. 04. 11 (Sat.) 14:30
▍Venue | GATHER ART ( 2F., No.198, Qingnian 2nd Rd., Lingya Dist., Kaohsiung City)
▍Hours | Mon. – Sat. 10:30 - 18:00
The series of paintings of ‘Daily in Gaze’ discusses about female bodies and social relations, focusing on how disturbed women, who were restricted by regulations and viewed by other people, express their own lust by converting the subject and object in a visual way.
In a traditional gaze context, it is most common that the male focuses gaze on the female. In a current environment, we force this gaze exposed in public via various ways. The anxiety of gender drives me to create a space that I can easily manipulate and control. By flipping the relationship between subjects (who gaze) and objects (who are gazed), I erase the females and keep the males in the image, and a space of gaze for merely males is created accordingly. Through the gaze of viewers, male teenagers in the image became the objects. Decorated with flowers, the feminization of male body represents a harmless image. By the ink painting, I merged its soft tones into the skin texture of these boys in the hope of projecting more imagination of feminine lust on their male bodies and making myself retreat to an absolutely safe space to gaze.
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Earlier Event: April 12
Later Event: April 18